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  1. W

    Drug testing?

    I don't think my kids can do no wrong, but I would be very hesitant to do drug testing without some provocation. IF they had given me reason to, I would. But since my kids have never given me any reason, I wouldn't at the moment.
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    What Was Your Biggest Fear?

    My biggest fear was actual care of the baby. I had never had any esperience whatsoever taking care of babies. I was scared I'd drop the baby or would handle it wrong. Silly now that I look back on it, but there it is.
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    Buying In Bulk?

    I never have but now I've been thinking about it. We have a local slaughter house run by the Amish, who sell a half or a whole beef they have raised and they have processed. At least you know it would be fresh and free from antibiotics and steroids. We do have to buy a large freezer though, but...
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    We've already cooked on ours this year. It's really nice to be able to get out and do something in the yard again. We've even cut the grass twice so far. Not my fovorite thing to do, but then again I love spring.
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    State Of The World

    I think you're right, RandysDad. There are a lot more people living in spots that people never lived before. It's like the fires in California. They built homes in areas that had periodic fires that were started by nature. As a matter of fact, it is sometimes necessary for nature to cleanse...
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    Does bad eyesight run in families?

    Yeah, it's genetic. My family has extremely small eyes and I started wearing glasses when I was three years old-they aren't quite as thick now but I still wear them. My mother is blind now and my older sister is going that way. The whole family has trouble with their eyes.
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    Can counseling save them?

    Well, it will either help them to stay together or help them to finally decide they can't make it work. Counseling is a good idea to really get some of the hidden problems out in the open and talk them through. I can help to separate amicably too, so that's good.
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    Does It Seem Like Kids Are Older Now?

    I'm not fond of this trend either. I think the kids need time to be kids and have a childhood. They are missing so much that is an important part of growing up when they are like this. I think the parents are to blame too though. I know it's everywhere these days, but do we do enough policing to...
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    We have been planning a garden all winter and are getting ready to buy all of the things we need. I have hoes, shovels, rakes, etc, but no tiller. I'm going to go to buy one of the small ones so the boys can help with the tilling. Is anyone else getting ready to grow a garden this year?
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    Black Eyes

    Roger-we tried everything. All of the authorities were pretty much like "our hands are tied". We really didn't have much of a choice in the matter and he was getting tormented constantly to the extent that he didn't want to go to school and was begging us to home school him. He couldn't avoid...
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    Grrr, I hate when the kids do this. Yeah, I think your kids will always test their limits, I know mine do. My daughter and son do this worse than the boys do. I usually just tell them they aren't going to get TV time if they continue, that helps some.
  12. W

    Movie snacks

    It's a problem that's for sure. My daughter was on a diet and refused to eat any of the snacks because they were high fat and high calorie. She took a high protein bar with her and got a diet Coke. And yes, it is horrible you have to sneak in food. I think they should allow people to bring some...
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    Being Chaperones

    My wife and I have been asked to be chaperones for this year's Prom. I'm not to keen on doing it though. Would I or my wife be responsible if something happened to one of the kids? I know someone always manages to do something they shouldn't. It's just a fact of being a teen.
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    School trips

    Just explain that to her. Tell her it wasn't enough when they needed the money to be in. Also tell her that sometimes things just happen and it's not anyone's fault.
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    Daddy's Little Girls

    I know I was. An old Army jacket, a pair of ripped jeans and a t-shirt big enough for three of me. I had a ponytail-still do as a matter of fact and was so painfully shy all I could say was "Hey" or nod my head. My first girlfriend said her dad told her she sure hoped I wasn't the norm at...
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    Learning from my mom

    Moms cannot be beat for advice, instruction and just plain love. I always make sure the kids are aware that they have a fantastic Mom. I love mine too and they know that too.
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    So disorganized!

    Make him get things ready the night before, before he goes to bed. Or you could let him do without something he left behind and let him pay the consequence. This is a life lesson he is going to have to learn and it can be a hard one.
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    Movie theatre at apartments!

    Check it all out thoroughly and ask to talk to the last tenets. If they left in good standing, the landlord can contact them and ask if they would talk to you. It sounds like a great place but you never know.
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    Black Eyes

    Well, I got a call today from the school. My youngest boy had been in a fight. He was in trouble but not from me. There was a bigger kid who had been aggravating him for a while and we tried everything. So I told him the next time the kid tripped him or was punching on him to go for it. He...
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    Staying Sick All Winter

    I have absolutely stayed sick all winter this winter. I have done several courses of antibiotics which I don't like to do even. We have done everything from buying an air filter to buying a water filter. My immune system is a wreck for some reason and I don't have a clue why.