Adjusting to noise


New Member
To go from living in a temporary apartment on an out of town construction job to living with a pregnant girlfriend and three little kids. I need earplugs. Now I understand why so many fathers automatically reach for a beer when they come home.


New Member
I used to work on a very busy one way street years ago when I worked swing shift and it took forever to get used to. It was a mini apartment (house split in four) and I ended up moving my bedroom to the "living room" since it was between the back and the front of the house, was the only way I could sleep.


New Member
I am usually fine with the noise around my house. Lately, it has been really hard on me. I don't think the kids are getting louder, I am just getting more sensitive. I am getting head aches now so the noise gets to me.


New Member
I don't like chaotic noise either, but when my step son moves in I know it's going to get instantly worse. I feel for you, Regis. I don't think I could cope with three plus one on the way!


New Member
It will take time to get used to but it does work after a while. It took me forever to get used to hearing a bird in the house during early mornings, now I can somewhat tune it out.