Baby names


New Member
When do you all decide on a name for the new baby? Is it not picked until it's born, or do you decide early on?

We've always made a list way early in pregnancy, once we find out whether it's a boy or girl we pick the name. We don't usually tell anyone until the baby is here though.


New Member
We picked the name as soon as we found out the sex of the baby. We also didn't tell anyone though. We didn't want others opinions of it and we wanted to be able to change it without having to re-tell everyone.


New Member
Early on we pick lots of names and then we narrowed it down when the delivery was closer. We decided together when the baby came. I know some people that did not pick until the baby was there.


New Member
Me and wife had the name for our girl long before she was born. Funny story - once we casually talked about this before she was even pregnant and she proposed the name for a girl and I was hooked. That's all.


Staff member
The wife would have them all planned out before she gets pregnant if she could. She is already talking about names of the next one.


New Member
We talked about it from the get go. However, I let my wife choose. She had her heart set on some specific combinations, and after I saw her having such a hard time with the delivery, I let her have her way. At one point, I was so scared, I would have let her have the moon and the stars.