backseat parenting

Kevin C

New Member
Does your parental decisions get called into question by other mothers out there? I have had mothers question or step into situations especially when we are on the playground. Even simple things like encouraging my kid to go up the stairs for the slide himself. He has done it before, I'm close enough that if he was to fall I would be there to catch him, but since I'm not climbing up the stairs behind him holding his hand I'm not a good parent by these mothers?


New Member
I think all parents go through this at one point or another, by people we know or people we might see in a random park. It happens but who is to say the person giving advice is a perfect parent themselves?


New Member
As I'm getting older I have less and less patience for this type of parents. I'm not rude just to be clear. I rather ignore of tell them that my kids have steel skeletons or some other nonsense.


New Member
We don't really socialize with a lot of other parents. Our family members are really the only other parents we associate with, and for the most part, we're all on the same page about parenting. Kevin - don't take it to heart when complete strangers try to tell you how to be a better parent. You know what they say opinions are like, don't you? ;)


Staff member
I get told I'm doing things wrong all the time. Even what I feed my kids are wrong by those who only eat whole foods, no sugar snacks or anything that is not 110% organic.


New Member
Nope, if I do get told that I don't listen. I'm a great dad! If I ask for advice then I will listen but I don't really put too much thought into what others say when they are criticizing me.


New Member
There are really people who make it their business to point out other people's "mistakes.". I don't let it bother me when someone calls my attention and tells me I should do something different with my parenting style. I usually just smile and ignore the remark. I know my kids better, they don't.