Best bud is getting a divorce


New Member
This just plain and simple stinks! Our 2 families do a lot together so when my best bud called me last night to tell me that they were getting a divorce I was floored and upset.

I've asked all the questions, why? have you tried to work it out? etc.


New Member
I'm sorry for you all but mostly for your friends and their children. It will be difficult, but hopefully they can remain on good terms so that you can all continue to spend time together.


New Member
My wife and I were in the same boat when we decided to split up but we have remained friends and we still have mutual friends. Our son still spends time with his best mate and although my wife and I don't go out with them together now, we still see them separately.


New Member
I'm so sorry that's happening to you, man. It's always hard seeing your friends in tough situations like that. All you can really do is make sure they know you're there for them. I think everything happens for a reason in the end.