Bike seats or trailer for little ones?


New Member
My wife and I would like to start going on family bike rides. Our older 2 can manage ok, but our youngest would have to ride with one of us. Do any of you have any experience with the kid seats that attatch or the trailers? Which do you think is safer and easier to manage?


New Member
We have a trailer for out little one. It is towed on my bike. I really like it because it seats two. We can put her in it and some of the things we want to take with us. We also have a battery operated fan in there to help her get cool air.


Staff member
I have the trailer. There are several reasons why I choose a trailer. I like it because it is not attached to one bike. So if mine breaks down on the trail, I can attach it to the wifes. I can remove it easily for when I go solo. If I fall on my bike, the trailer stays upright. It has a cover in case of rain, or to provide shade.