Blood Pressure & Tiredness


I've had high blood pressure from a very young age, 23, actually, and have had to watch my weight and take medicine for it for years. Lately I've been feeling extra tired, and it could be the time I'm spending learning to balance work and family, but I'm not sure. Anyone know if high blood pressure is related to tiredness?


New Member
Yeah, high blood pressure can relate to tiredness. There are a lot of different reasons you may have high blood pressure but when you have it your blood vessels are usually constricted. Not just blocked from plaque but just in general. Could be the medication as well. You might want to mention this to your doctor.


Thanks independent; I have a meeting with my doctor next month, hopefully I can make it until then. I've been going to bed earlier but it doesn't seem to be helping - this could become a big problem fast if I don't find a way to fix it.


New Member
Why wait for next month to see your doctor if you are not feeling right at the moment? You should go for a consultation as early as possible before anything else happens.


I admit it, I'm a bit stubborn. I feel like at least some of it is all the extra work I've been doing, and that I should try being a more regular sleeper rather than taking naps here or there. I figure if I already have an appointment I can tough it out until that time comes.


New Member
Just wondering about your caffeine consumption? I have type 2 diabetes as well as high blood pressure, and I have noticed a direct correlation between my caffeine consumption and blood pressure spikes.


I'll come clean - I try to control it as much as possible. I'm not a coffee drinker, but I probably have at least 1 Coca Cola a day, sometimes two. If I go a day without a Coke, I get a headache. That might be something I should look at, thank you for pointing it out.