Blood sugar levels


New Member
Does our blood sugar level have something to do with our blood pressure? I wonder about it because most people with diabetes I know suffer from high blood pressure.


New Member
Oh that is a good question, I don't know the answer. I think that it probably does in some way or other. I think most bad things all are connected in some way.


New Member
I think it is probably more lifestyle related when both show up. Most people I know with both issues generally lead a sedentary lifestyle and eat poorly.

No matter how you slice it, I think genetics plays the biggest factor. My parents are in their 70s, still in great shape. My dad was diagnosed with high blood pressure when he was in his late twenties. My mom was diagnosed with HBP in her fifties. I was diagnosed in my early thirties. Then there's my wife who thinks everything needs extra salt and is often stressed out. Her BP is always normal or even low. Go figure.