Can you perform the Heimlich maneuver?


New Member
Have you ever taken any CPR courses? I think it is very important to know the Heimlich maneuver, just in case any of your loved ones chokes on something. As a parent, I learned this technique after my first son almost died by choking on milk. Luckily, he survived thanks to a neighbor who knew how to apply the abdominal thrusts procedure.


New Member
Yes, I have taken the course. I have never had to use it though. I was taught to give five hard blows between the shoulder blades first as this can often work on children and is less likely to cause damage such as a broken rib. If this does not work then move on to five abdominal thrusts.

I did have to administer a back blow before but I've never had to deliver an abdominal thrust.


New Member
I have a bunch of different emergency response certifications because of work. I've never had to perform the Heimlich or CPR (thankfully), but I have had to deal with broken bones, shock, severed appendages, etc.


New Member
I have never had to use it, but I have had many CPR and first aid classes. I think it is important for all new parents to take the infant and child class too.


New Member
I actually learned the Heimlich maneuver I believe in the 3rd grade. We were having a safety day and someone from a hospital or something like that came in and was teaching us all of these things. We had to do CPR on a doll. That is about the only training I've had and I don't really remember it.


New Member
Yes I know the Heimlich maneuver and I have taken CPR and first aid classes and am certified in both. I think it's super important to take these classes once you have kids. You never know when you will need them.