Chest pains


New Member
I know people say not to play around with chest pains, but seriously, when do you know there is a problem? If I ran to the ER or the doctor every time I felt a little something I'd constantly be going. I had a check up in the spring and they said everything is fine, but how do I know when something may be suddenly coming on?


New Member
Chest pain alone isn't sufficient to get worried. There are other symptoms that you need to be conscious about. When a combination of these symptoms appear, then make sure you get medical help within the so-called "golden hour" of your life.

The other symptoms for men outside of chest pain are
- feeling of discomfort
- pain in the shoulder, arms, back, jaw
- pain in upper abdomen
- shortness of Breath
- sweating
- fainting
- nausea and vomiting
- lightheaded Feeling
- anxiety
- indigestion

For details, check this out: Heart Attack Symptoms in Men