Colds All The Way Around


New Member
We're right in the middle of home renovations and what do you know -- everyone has come down with a head cold. I've already had to miss a day of work this week over this mess and several days into it, I'm still running a fever over 100. Ugh.


New Member
Sounds like fun! We have all been sick since Thanksgiving here too. Fortunately, I haven't had to miss any work, but it is hard to go in when you feel like junk!


New Member
It really is hard, Bear! I wound up missing two and a half days of work over this and at one point, my fever was up to 103. I thought I was going to have to go in to an urgent care clinic but luckily, Tylenol and Motrin got the fever back down. My wife is sick, too, although she's only had a sore throat/ears and congestion (no fever).