Complete devastation


New Member
I have been watching the news the last few days with news of Hurricane (AKA Superstorm) Sandy coverage. The pictures are just horrifying with all the devastation that happened. It is amazing looking at pictures of places I have been (the Jersey Shore, NYC, etc) and seeing how different they look now. Houses completely moved off of their foundations, boats beached in the middle of railroad tracks and roads, 80+ houses lost to a fire, flood waters in the subways. I can't imagine what some of these people are going to do in the next few months.


New Member
I read some very sad stories this morning about people who have lost absolutely everything in addition to being unemployed. We had devastating tornadoes here about a year ago, and it nearly broke the back of the community. The situation in New Jersey and New York looks so much worse than that though.


New Member
It is very sad indeed. We were just in NYC over the summer. It looks so different now. Hoboken too - they got slammed. I just keeping looking at the pictures everyday.


New Member
It was such a horrifying scene! I have been watching it all along on TV and I just can't imagine being there. I hope they did restore power at least. I can't imagine being in the city without power. I wonder if they have stopped the looting?


New Member
I believe that most of Manhattan has power now but lots of other areas are still without. I think that the looting was mostly isolated from what I understand. I watched a woman yesterday whose house was gone digging through the debris to find anything that might be left. It was heartbreaking.