Definitely not a role model


New Member
My daughter was in bed by the time the VMA's came on last night so thankfully she didn't see Miley Cyrus up there acting like a stripper. Doesn't she realize that young girls still look up to her as a role model. I am so embarrassed for her because she only succeeded in making herself look like a train wreck.


New Member
My girls were in shock seeing this and were all disgusted by the performance. Miley did herself no favors as it will take a lot of time to live that one down. Does she not have a PR person with a brain to help guide her?


New Member
She doesn't want to be a role model anymore. She wants to step out of the Hannah Montana character. I think she did that. My kids watched it and they all said, shame on her. I think Miley gave us a good teaching moment. Don't follow in her footsteps or you might end up like her.

On The Mark

New Member
Most people, if not all and myself included, don't agree with what she did. Miley is going to find out the hard way that without a majority base of people who are on your side, you're not going to go far in show business. Not only was what she did disgusting, it was stupid.


New Member
Whether she wants to be a role model or not, that is what she built her career on. She just alienated a huge portion of her fan base with that mess. It seems that all of the adults in Miley's life have abandoned her.


New Member
If she was trying to get people to talk, she's certainly done that. My daughter wasn't impressed by it and wonders why she would do such a thing. There are other ways of bringing attention to your career.


New Member
I don't agree with what she did either, but here's the thing...we are all still talking about it aren't we? She got exactly what she was after and that was attention!


New Member
You're right Christian, she did get the attention she wanted. I think she also lost a lot of respect from some people as well. She reminds me of someone who is trying to get rid of that good girl, wholesome image and wants people to see her as more mature.


New Member
I would flip out if I knew that my kid was watching that performance. Why do young women have to act so sultry when the camera is on them? I don't understand why they crave so much attention.

I refuse to let him watch MTV. We usually watch football together on Sundays. That is our only time together in front of the television. He knows how much I hate the idiot box.