Diaper Surprises


New Member
My youngest, who is 6 months old, found a cardboard party hat yesterday. I took it away from her and swept her mouth, but apparently she'd already swallowed some, because I found a ragged piece of pink polka-dotted cardboard in her diaper last night. Oops!


New Member
How did she get hold of that party hat? Well, knowing kids, they know where to sniff for things they shouldn't have anything to do with. But she's only a baby so that must have been really freaky.


New Member
That is actually quite a surprise and not one that I was thinking about either. We have never found anything like that before but I remember someone in the family said their kid used to like to eat weird things around the house, I want to say it was bits of yarn.


New Member
I remember finding what looked like the remnants of a sea foam green crayon in my daughters diaper. I am not sure how or when she got her hands on that crayon but kids have a way of finding those things.


New Member
Ha! My son once swallowed a piece of plastic before we were able to get it out of his mouth. He also got a hold of one of my plug loops (earrings), now that was a surprise to find in the diaper!


New Member
For some reason it doesn't matter how often you sweep or vacuum the little ones are always finding things they shouldn't. My son (1yr) likes to gnaw on the bindings of books so we have found bits of paper and cardboard in his diapers too.


New Member
I was lucky that way. My son never really ate anything except food. He did go through a phase when he was two where he would shove stuff up his nose. That was a disgusting stage.