

New Member
I have had it with society today. My seven year old girl decided she was "fat" (she's not) and has decided to start dieting. I have no idea why this came up, but it's not going to happen. The expectations forced on kids today are so harsh.


New Member
When people have expectations there will always be disappointment. I have no idea why anyone without any real reason would want to diet. I feel bad for the parents that need to deal with this, we were lucky. I hope your little one gets the silly thought out of their head ASAP!


New Member
Society puts so much pressure on women and girls to be thin these days. I mean they sell jeans that are a 00 for goodness sakes! Nobody should be a 00! I hope your daughter gets through this and realizes that she is beautiful no matter what size she is.


New Member
It's probably just a phase she is going through, try asking here where did she get the idea from. That might help in solving your problem.


New Member
I have to disagree with Zimmer; I doubt this is as simple as a phase. Once a girl gets that thought into her head, it's very hard to get it back out again. My wife was overweight as a girl, taunted all throughout school, and even after she got her weight under control through daily exercise, she still continued on with that mindset that she was fat, and as a result, unattractive. Do NOT let your daughter fall prey to this; it can literally affect her for the rest of her life!!


New Member
That is so sad. She may not be fat but if she sees herself that way, it will be hard to talk her out of it. All you can do is talk to her and model healthy eating and activity levels.