Do you have friends?


New Member
Ever since having kids I have lost touch with most of my friends from college and before. We have a few "couple friends" where we hang out with them and our kids. I don't ever just hang out with the guys though. Do you still have your own friends?


New Member
Well I'm single now so it's not quite the same situation, but when we were married I didn't hang out with anyone really. I had a couple co workers I did lunch with, but that was it. Now that I'm single I have reunited with a lot of my pre-marriage friends.


New Member
I Have been been with my wife for 5 years two of them married. I still have my friends. I never had a lot of friends just a few. But mt best friend just got married and we all hang out together him and I and my wife and his wife. I have also acquired new friends through work that I play football with from time to time. And I try to at least once a week to have some friends over and we all just talk and play cards. My wife scrapbooks every monday night with her friends. So I think we managed to keep in touch with everyone. But heres the thing it is important for everyone to have that time to themselves to unwind and let go. In the world of Mcdonalds they teach you to "Sharpen your saw." Meaning you cant cut anything with a dull blade so take the time to sharpen it. So when you work all week and your burnt out its important to take time for yourself to just sharpen your saw so you will be effective for your family and your job.


Staff member
I'm closer with some friends then others after marriage and having a child. But I've found out who my true friends are, who is not.


New Member
I had a bunch of friends during my younger days, but I lost contact with some of them even before I got married, like Jason said as you get older you need true friends not just people to waste time with.


New Member
I lost contact with most of my friends from college and before. Facebook doesn't help much with this. I think they use names other than what I know for their user names on Facebook.