Family Doctors


New Member
We just actually noticed the other day that we do not get as sick as most of our friends do, who also happen to have a family doctor. We don't, we have had the OB-GYN and the pediatrician but never a place that we can all go to. Is it still common to have a family doctor?


New Member
I think it's a nice idea for everyone to go to the same doctor so that he/she is familiar with the whole family, but I don't think it's as common as it used to be. We don't have a common family doctor, but then again we aren't all on the same insurance. Maybe if we all get on the same insurance plan at some point we'll try to all go to the same doctor.


New Member
From what I have looked around just with others in my work office some families are having two and three doctors for everyone. Its like a women/men/kids only setup going on, and whats worse is trying to find any with open spots for new patients. I think its going to be a long hunt.


Staff member
I grew up with a family doctor. My hole family went to him and I went from birth until we moved. He was a great doctor. Down here, there seems to be a different doctor for everything, and finding a doctor like we had up north is impossible.