Flu Shots


New Member
Has anyone had their child immunized for the flu this year? The doctor suggested it and highly recommended it for my little one but I wasn't too sure it was necessary. What do you do?


New Member
My kids haven't had them and my ex-wife and I have no plans for our kids to get them. Our kids are healthy and we both agree that taking a chance with the flu is better than taking a chance with the shot. Long story, but let's just say we're not trusting of the drug industry and others.


New Member
I agree with KSmith on this. I am supposed to have flu shots as I'm over 60 and have heart disease but the only time I had it, I had flu soon after. I have never had it since and never had flu again!


New Member
They were offering really young children swine flu shots not so long ago but I'm glad we didn't have ours done because I read later how the vaccine had not been properly tested and some kids were getting sick.


New Member
My kids both had the flu shot last month when they got vaccinated I wasn't even asked by my doctor. They just assumed I wanted it done which I didn't take lightly to. Luckily neither one of them ended up sick.