For the First timers


New Member
I am now expecting my second baby but I was thinking back the other day about how I knew nothing of what to expect when the baby came home so here's a few tips for you first timers:

Don't ask your wife if you can help around the house just do it. Wash the dishes, fold the laundry whatever needs to be done.

Keep a running grocery list on the fridge so if you are out you can pick up what's needed.

Before baby comes stock up on everday neccesities like toilet paper, soap, deodorant, cleaning supplies, laundry detergent and paper towels. It's way easier than having to run out for them later when you forget that you have run out.

This is one for before the baby comes but pick a few recipes that you both like that freeze well. Take a few Saturdays to make up a batch or two of these dishes and freeze them. Don't worry there will still be plenty of frozen dinners, fast food, and sandwiches in your future but at least this way you have a few options! :)


New Member
Wonderful advice Kenny! I've been wondering what I could do to make things easier on my wife. She is having a bit of a time right now with nausea and I'm at the hand wringing stage. I don't know what to do.


New Member
Wow, very good advice! I would also say pick up a box of stationary and write up a big stack of little notes with inspirational quotes and save them up to give your wife one at a time. It is just a little thing I did because we were so busy we didn't get to enjoy each other as much and I wanted to express my appreciation of my wife. It was nice to pull one out and leave it for her someplace she would find.


New Member
Wow Kenny what great advice for sure! I am taking notes and maybe put a couple things into my routine just to help out around the house. I will sure pass it along to a couple friends of mine that are expecting in February.


New Member
They say men are so different from women and I guess we are. I would never have thought of any of this. I love my wife and want to make things as easy on her as possible but it never even occured to me to do some of these things.


New Member
Thanks guys! Some of this stuff came from things we did before our daughter was born but most of it was things we wished we had done to make things a little easier!