George Bush Sr


New Member
Did anyone else know that he was in the hospital? I know many people are getting sick this time of year but I would have though more news stations out there would report on this, in our area nothing has been on the radio all week expect Christmas music.


New Member
I saw this a couple of days ago. I believe I saw it on Facebook. He has been in for quite some time now. I hope he recovers soon! Last I heard his fever was out of control and they were trying to control it.


New Member
I had seen this on Facebook too. The post had a link to a news website. I was surprised to not see it on TV too. The article said his family was all visiting him and his fever had spiked again. I have not seen any new news on the situation.


New Member
I did not see one thing on TV about it, even on the news and that always has something political going on. You know you are getting old when people in your age group start ending up with bad health issues, both those off the TV around you and those you have always watched from afar.


New Member
I don't watch tv news, but I have seen it on the homepage for CNN and NBC news. I thought he was doing better now?


New Member
I've seen this news all over the Internet. Maybe I go through more websites over the course of a day than you do. It did come across our local news channels, as well.