Going Out To Eat


New Member
My kids, boy 4 and girl 7, love to go to McDonald's, but there are a lot of preservatives in their food and it's not all that healthy anyway. They're young and I want to break them of going to McDonald's routinely in favor of a healthier choice of restaurant. Does anyone have any suggestions?


New Member
What kind of healthy food are you looking for? Vegetarian, Griiled meat instead of cooked? A lot of fast food restraunts, if not all, now have salads on their menus too.


New Member
Just don't take them. Go to Arby's instead, they offer healthier choices (apple slices or salads with their kids meals). I get to take my nephew and niece to Mc's.


New Member
That is a good idea. Do not let them get used to fast foods lest they get hooked though you say they already love the idea so breaking them from that would take some struggle.


New Member
We have a couple of family style restaurants within walking distance of our house that have a great selection of healthy choices. We go there about 2-3 times a month and the kids really look forward to it as the staff and owners have gotten to know us and make a big deal when they walk in.