Growing Vegetables


New Member
Well, we finally did it. We started trying to grow a few vegetables and some herbs. I don't have a good track record, but maybe since we'll be using a growbox instead of planting in sandy soil, things will work out better.


New Member
We have been growing vegetables for 4 years now. We decided to fill in our pond and convert it into a vegetable patch. We grow onions, carrots, cabbage, cauliflower, turnips, potatoes and lettuce. It will save you money in the long run.


New Member
I have been growing a vegetable garden for several years and it saves so much money. All summer and fall I don't have to buy tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, lettuce, zucchini or green beans. I have put up zucchini in the freezer for bread later on in the winter. I dehydrated tomatoes for later use. I made salsa, which would normally cost about $4 a container. I also made pickles that will get us through the winter too. It is so nice not to have to buy those things.


New Member
We just moved into a house from an apartment and are going to start soon. My parents did when I was younger and it was so nice to have fresh fruits and vegetables at every meal.


Staff member
That is great. It can be fun and rewarding also. I just planted four rows of our warm fall garden crop. Will try and plant some more today or later this week.

R. Paradon

New Member
In my city apartment we have a large enough area to plant but I rarely do. Some of the other residents plant vegetables and the "law of the land" here as in most parts of Thailand is help yourself. On occasional I will just drop a few seeds (mostly fruit) on the ground and it always amazes me that they grow! No green thumb - just fortunate enough to live in a tropical country that "automatically" grows food!