Helping with laundry


New Member
I will admit it, it took years before I even thought about doing the laundry when we got married. Now I tend to surprise my wife with it when she is out. It is one of those small little tasks that keeps her at ease. Now being older I do not mind it since it is just us, but back when the kids were around I hated the idea of it. Far too much for just a few people.


New Member
I help with a lot of things but laundry isn't one of those things (unless it is only my laundry). I have ruined too many things so I am banned from it. I don't mind folding laundry so I help with that.


New Member
I do all the laundry and I don't mind it. My wife might help me put things away or occasionally change a load over, but otherwise it's all on me. My parents made me do the laundry as a teenager, so I got used to being in charge of when things were washed.

On The Mark

New Member
I don't look at laundry as a chore. I like things clean and in their place. With dirty laundry there nothing that is neither clean nor in its place.


New Member
I love to cook and she hates to cook. I tend to cook a lot of our meals on a daily basis for her. I have it easy though, she does most of the rest of the household chores and I do all of the outside chores. I try to help out when I can though.


Staff member
I get yelled at that I do not fold her clothes correctly. Then I get yelled at if I just fold mine and put hers in a basket. So now I just do it while she sleeps and hope I'm off to work before she gets up. By the time I get home she has forgotten about it.


New Member
I know some people who only hang certain clothes, we are like that to a point. I hate the idea of folding t-shirts and even as old as I am now I still can not do it right. I would rather use that closet space and let everything hang nice and neat. Laundry is not that bad, you just have to find the right system to fit your needs.