Here's hoping the sickness doesn't spread.


New Member
My wife has some sort of virus causing sickness and diarrhea and she is currently curled up in bed while I look after the girls. I'm just hoping that my daughters don't catch it too and I shudder to think what will happen if I catch it! Oh my!


New Member
You have my sympathy. I've had this virus myself and it makes you feel as though you're dying. I hope the children don't get it but if you are fastidious about cleanliness (which I'm sure you are) for the next 24 hours you and they should be OK. I'm sure your good woman will be back to normal tomorrow.


New Member
Hand washing and hand sanitizer are keys to keeping illnesses isolated. Make sure you really look out for yourself as well. Like you said the last thing you need is for both you and your wife to be down with this.


New Member
Thanks guys. I did keep everything washed and we have survived. I am ready to go back to work as looking after two lively under fives is exhausting. I think my wife just wanted a day off. (Hope she doesn't read this ;))