

New Member
Someone mentioned Thanksgiving already but for you stepdads how do you handle it? Do you fight to have the kids (soon to be wife's kids in my case) on the exact day or just pick your battles?


New Member
My brother has to trade off holidays. If he takes Thanksgiving then he has to give up Christmas and the other way around. It can be really hard.


New Member
Trading off holidays is just what my friend does too. Usually, he prefers to take Halloween and Christmas, and leave Thanksgiving, Easter etc. to the mother. Another option is to draw lots to see what holidays the children spend with each parent. Of course, the children have the final saying, if their old enough...


New Member
We alternate by year. Each year we trade holidays. We keep a log, or I do of who has what each year so there will be no disputes over it.


Staff member
My brother and his wife alternate Holidays with her children. So they may have them for Thanksgiving this year, and Christmas next year. I forget which Holiday they will have this year to be honest.