Hostess bankrupt


New Member
I heard today that Hostess is filing for bankruptcy. Looks like not enough people are eating Ho Ho's. I wonder if it's the health kick! I like Ho Ho's but I don't eat them often. I don't want to see Hostess go under though!


New Member
Maybe it's a blessing in disguise for people like me who could eat Twinkies nonstop. Actually, I read that some of the products would probably get sold to some other company. I'm guessing that Ho Ho's and Twinkies would be at the top of the list.


Staff member
I'm sure some of their products will be bought up by other companies if they go 100% out of business. But to be honest, their products are so unhealthy it is a rare treat to eat them. I will feel bad for the workers, but I would not miss Twinkies if I could not get them.


New Member
If they are bought out will only the ownership change and not the recipes? I hate when places do that, a few local restaurants tried that a while back and lost a ton of customers.


New Member
I'm thinking that some other company would buy their recipes and make them. I love Ho Ho's but I don't eat them very often. They are really unhealthy!


New Member
Just because they declared bankruptcy doesn't necessarily mean it is all over. I know several airlines have declared bankruptcy more than once and come back from it. I don't think I have ever actually eaten a Hostess brand Twinkie or Ho Ho. We were raised on Little Debbie and store brands.


New Member
Aw, that's really sad, and I'm kind of surprised to see it happen. With the obesity problem we have in America, I'd expect that the company would be doing just fine.

I used to love Twinkies as a kid!


New Member
I read that even though they are filing for bankruptcy protection, that the company will stay in business. I can't imagine them being broke however, based on all the cash I've thrown their way over the years! ;)