How to handle a drug situation?


New Member
I was doing the laundry today and half a joint fell out of my oldest's jeans pocket. She's gone for the week so I won't be able to deal with this until Sunday, when she gets back. At least that will give me time to cool off! How would you handle this situation?

On The Mark

New Member
This is sticky because while it is still technically illegal, in most states, it's not frowned upon like it used to be. I think the notion that "Mary Jane" leads to harder stuff is just a scare tactic. I would stress responsibility, minimal use at home only, point out the health benefits and downfalls, and don't use it for party purposes, but for relaxation. In other words, be an adult about it.

I have a daughter so I have put a lot of thought into this because drug use is rampant these days. But really, it all comes down to your personal views about it. The only thing I can really suggest is that you don't turn the discussion into an argument. Keep the line of communication wide open. That's the main thing.


New Member
Educate yourself and her about cannabis. It's not so bad. The thing you must find out, is where she is getting it from and you must ensure that she is buying from a reputable source. There are bad people out there selling bad stuff but, if she knows what to look for, she will be fine.


New Member
I don't care if an adult chooses to smoke a bit of recreational weed, but it has always been a rule in our house that drugs are not allowed. I wouldn't be any happier to find a bottle of alcohol stashed in their room. Their brains are still growing and developing, so using any mind-altering substance should wait until they're adults.


New Member
I would open up a dialogue about it and let her know that she can talk to you about it. If you come at her yelling she is probably going to clam up and pull away from you. Let her know how you feel about drug use.


New Member
I agree with cooling off first, then maintaining your cool while you talk with her about it. If she knows that drugs are a no-no in your house, then punish her for breaking rules she knew she was breaking. However, realize that in all reality, if she wants to smoke, she's going to smoke. She'll just become better about hiding it from you in the future. (Speaking from experience here!)


New Member
I grew up in a time that if you were caught smoking cigarettes and mom found out, most times mom would make you eat that cigarette. Rules do get broken with kids who test their boundaries. Having a heart to heart is better than taking the route my mother did. I was smoking by the time I was 16 and finally quit after many years of being stubborn about it. If you yell, they will take the offense and hide it.

On The Mark

New Member
I grew up in a time that if you were caught smoking cigarettes and mom found out, most times mom would make you eat that cigarette.
Same here. It didn't work for me either. I learned through not being communicated with, that communication is the best way to go. Otherwise you're just flying blind through it all, and I want my daughter to have an easier road than I did.


New Member
You really do need to keep the lines of communication open with your daughter and help her to understand the seriousness of drug usage. Let her know how much you love her and don't want to see her get hurt by getting involved in something worse than she is already in.