Mothers vs Fathers


New Member
Who do you think should have the final say? Is it best for the mother to be in charge or for the father? It seems to me that in any relationship the father is in charge. I wonder if it would be better the other way around.


New Member
In our house, Mom has the final word. However, our kids know that we always work together to figure out what is fair in our house. We always present a united front which is the most important part.


New Member
My wife wouldn't allow me to have the final word but she wouldn't ever say or do anything that she knows I would strongly disagree with. Even our dog takes more notice of her than me though!


New Member
We pretty much discuss things and then make a decision together. I don't think either one of us is a "final word" person. But we do have different types of discipline with the kids that makes me pretty much the "final word" in what the kids do.


New Member
We make all major decisions together. Smaller stuff, it just depends on who is around at the time. We have very similar parenting styles so there isn't much to argue about around here.


Staff member
We usually back each other up when it comes to things. However, I have more say on money matters, and she does with the children.


New Member
We each back each other on decisions that have already been made by one or the other. If things are up in the air and we're both there, we will discuss things.


New Member
In my relationship, there is unity and collaboration, and there's no need for the idea of someone being in charge. Of course, there are times when me and the misses have different opinions, but we've learned to talk our way to a compromise that suits both of us. I strongly believe that both partners should learn to take decisions together.