My buddy caught me in a pink hat


New Member
My youngest daughter was playing with a box of hats last night. She pulls out a little pink one and puts in on my head. I smiled and she told me I looked pretty. She was being so cute so I just left in on. Then the door bell rings and I answer it. First thing I hear is, "Dude what's with the pink hat?" I forgot I was even wearing it. I just said, "Dude, this is being a Dad!" Anyway it was a funny story I thought I would share.
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New Member
That is funny! Why not right? It is part of being a dad... I've had to play dress up and tea party many many times. Dude- your daughter should have given your buddy a hat to put on too.


New Member
LOL! That was funny! I don't have a daughter, but it seems it would take some of the work stress when you have one cute little girl.


New Member
Haha, I hope she does give my friend a hat to wear. I am so blessed with this little one. My other kids are great, one is really smart, one is really brave and courageous, but my youngest daughter has the biggest heart. She is so laid back and chilled out, doesn't freak out or throw fits very much at all.


New Member
That is really funny! My niece is the same way. She had my son and I dressed with boa's and hats both and of course I have the pictures to prove it thanks to the wife thinking it was hilarious!