New television


New Member
It's January. It's football season. That means the lust for a new big screen television is going to hit me again. What is your dream football television set-up? Mine is a hunting cabin with five or six recliners in one big room, all pointing feet up toward a giant screen.


New Member
Nice fetish if I may say. :D I'm not that hung up on getting a new TV right now but I do like larger screens. I'm not sure how big and wide should it have to be but the larger the better.


New Member
52 inch flat screen - HDTV! That is what I want, wait a minute - I have that already! I have my dream TV. I'm all about sports and you have to watch sports on a great TV.


New Member
I agree, watching sports deserves awesome TV. But, unfortunately I don't have one that I'm satisfied with. If all goes well, I will be able to afford one before summer.


New Member
We don't have a lot of space now in our apartment, but once we move, a new big television is on the wish list. The baby is going to be needing lots of room to crawl around and put his or her toys. No t.v. is on the list for awhile.


New Member
I would just love to have a room in the house that we can watch all events on, along with when we do movie days. I am sure it would cost a ton of money though. :(


New Member
Well, not for sports I just don't care that much, but we are hoping for a flat screen when the taxes come back. Our youngest is 10 months old, and keeps turning the old one off and it is already on it's last legs. The top quarter of the screen is wavy lines now!


New Member
We do not need a new TV but it would be nice to have one in the bedroom. We have a great one in the living room but the bedroom still has an old bulky TV that I think is on its last leg.