Overactive imagination


New Member
I'm sure everyone here has heard the term "overactive imagination," but is that really something to be concerned about? My wife said last night that our daughter has an overactive imagination (making it sound like a bad thing) and I thought to myself no, imagination on any level is a good thing.


New Member
Kids are not real kids if they don't have active imagination. Adults think kids have overactive imagination because of their lack of imagination. It is not fair for the kids. Then again, when are we fair to kids?


New Member
I am supportive of our kids using their imagination. Children can use imagination to explore things they otherwise could not understand. I think that is healthy.


New Member
An overactive imagination is sometimes code for liar-not saying your kid is but I do think it should be kept in check because that's how pathological liars started out--parents didn't see a problem with their little darling saying anything and everything that wasn't true.


New Member
I guess it would depend on what your kids is doing to get the "Overactive imagination" label. Are they setting the house on fire and blaming it on little green aliens, or are they creating very intricate play themes? I would want to know in what context the label was given, but I do not think it's bad as long as it's not covering up truly bad behavior.


New Member
As long as the kid is not lying having an imagination overactive or otherwise is a good thing. In fact, recent studies have shown children with "highly active imaginations" to be more intelligent than children who engage in little or no imaginative play.


New Member
I don't think it's bad for children to have an active imagination. In what context do you define it "overactive"? Having imaginary friends at a small age is not that uncommon. However, when they do bad things and blame it on their imaginary friends or create unlikely scenarios, then it may be time to see a specialist...


New Member
when they do bad things and blame it on their imaginary friends or create unlikely scenarios, then it may be time to see a specialist...
I completely agree with this. I think imagination will turn into creativity when they become adult. I also think that this shows intelligence in the child because she is thinking outside the ordinary.