Overtime With Pay


New Member
I don't like the idea of working overtime in the office because I have family waiting for me. Even if there's an additional payment, I still prefer to go back home early so that I can play with my kids. How about you?


Staff member
I loved to get the overtime before I was married. Now I would rather spend it with family.


New Member
I don't like either. I have family to be with after my working hours. Moreover, I have my own routine to do in the evening (exercises and meditation) and I wouldn't want to break the routine if I didn't have to.


New Member
I don't think there are too many parents that would say they want to give up time with their family. However, many times I take the overtime when I can get it. It's nice to not have to worry about how to pay for all the extra activities the kids want to do.


New Member
That's true BigJohn, more income means less financial worries and I would be happy to work extra for my family. Though, if I need to make extra income (who don't LOL), I would prefer to work at home than to work overtime in office.


New Member
I take the overtime when I can get it too. It does not happen often, but I can't pass it up and the family understands that.


New Member
I don't want to be in office all the day and night, so if there is a choice, I would rather not to take the overtime. Don't get me wrong, it's not that I don't like money and we don't need extra income.


New Member
As the main breadwinner in the family, I take overtime when it's offered unless I know there's something already planned. I do believe that, no one at the end of their life wishes they had worked more, but the extra cash comes in handy for the things we want to do.