Paying for college?


New Member
My wife and I have decided we're not saving money for our kids to go to college but we'll assist them with applying for grants and scholarships. We feel that our kids will take more ownership of their education this way.


New Member
It's a brave decision, and a good way of encouraging your children to be more responsible for their own education. I don't think could make such a decision. I would still be saving for my daughter's education while looking the possibilities for getting the grants and scholarships.


New Member
Not sure where it came from that we parents are supposed to pay for our kid's college education. I'd agree that if the kid was financially responsible, they might take school more seriously.


New Member
From what I've heard of how the financial aid system is set up, the more you have saved actually works against you. Right now we have our son in private school and I'm working just to pay for that.


New Member
I see many peoples doing this now and most of them were once dealing with their own college as well between learning grants and so forth. I honestly see nothing wrong with it.