

New Member
Where do ya'll stand on pets for the kids? I thought we had a good balance going on with one dog and one cat, but I recently was handed the task of bottle raising 9 puppies. My daughter (a year old) thinks they are hilarious. The puppies are going on 3 weeks old now and I am so grateful that she is young enough not to pull the "why can't we keep them all?" routine.

I'll probably end up keeping one of the puppies so that will put us at two dogs, which isn't so bad I guess.


New Member
Why don't you keep them all? LOL I understand, while puppies are cute and funny, taking care of nine puppies is not funny at all.

Anyway, I think most kids like pets and some families even have pets just because the kids want them.


New Member
Nine puppies, man. Well, you're a good person for taking them in. I don't think a couple of dogs is too many as long as your house and your property can support it. My kids both have pets and I think it's good for them. They learned young how to care for them and that pets aren't just some novelty that you play with one day and ignore the next.

Good luck with your pups!


New Member
Oh wow...9 puppies? I don't know how you manage! I've never been a pet person and same with my wife. We never had pets growing up, so we don't have a pet now.