Physical punishment


New Member
Do you think any forms of physical punishment have their place with child discipline? I avoid it at all costs, but there are occasions when I felt a swat on the behind to get their attention had it's place.


New Member
I know it's not "politically correct," but yes, I do believe in physical punishment. I believe kids should be given every opportunity to avoid it, so expectations and consequences should be clearly defined and spanking should be an option after other methods haven't worked. I also believe spanking should be done matter-of-factly (you did this and this is the consequence) and not in anger.

I know there are lots of people who believe physical punishment causes kids to become physically violent. To that I ask " Then why is it that the more we get away from physical punishment, the more violent society becomes?"


New Member
I agree with both of you guys. I think there is a time for physical punishment, and times when only physical punishment will work. My dad swatted my behind a few times and even used a switch (a small piece of a tree limb) on me once, and I think I've turned out to be a productive member of society.


New Member
I have to agree with you all. I have swatted my child a couple times and he listens better now than ever. Their is a huge difference between beating and swatting!


New Member
Yes, Jessie their is a large difference between the two but apparently society can't tell the difference! I agree in the physical only after all else is not working. I over the years have had to learn not to spank out of anger which was really hard at first!


New Member
I wouldn't say that society is less violent now, if you look at in from a historical perspective it is actually safer. On the topic of physical punishment, the risk of using it wrongly is high. Personally I avoid it.


New Member
I wouldn't say that society is less violent now, if you look at in from a historical perspective it is actually safer.
I'm not sure I'm understanding that. Are you saying that society is safer now?

I agree that it's easy to use physical punishment wrongly. That's the reason it should never be done in anger.


New Member
I agree that there is time for a physical punishment, but it should be done only if you have to, after other punishments don't work. And don't overuse it or it wouldn't work anymore and you would end up in jail.


New Member
There were a few times when my father took his belt to let me know who's the boss of the house. I remember that very clearly which is funny because after those moments I instantly learned what discipline means. :)


New Member
Here's a true story my sister told:

She babysat for her best friend's son when he was around 2 or 3. She had no firm guidelines for discipline and would warn, warn, and warn again. This boy would not listen or do what she said. One day, her husband got tired of all the warnings and said to either carry out the punishment or stop warning.

After that, she had a 3-strike policy, which she discussed with the mother and then explained to the boy. She warned once, reminded once with a short time out, and if the time out didn't work, spanked. The poor kid got his share of spankings for a week or two. After that, he never got another, at least not from my sister. That made everyone concerned happy and the mother was so impressed with the change in behavior that she started using the same system.

I believe her method of administering the spankings is noteworthy. She would matter-of-factly remind the boy that he used his chances without raising her voice or displaying anger. When the spanking (3 "wacks" maximum) was over, she would hold him on her lap, reassure him that he was loved, and talk about what led to the punishment.

I'm not advocating beating kids, but that one made an amazing turn-around using that system.