Remembering your dating years?


New Member
I am so thankful I am married now, almost ecstatic! I see younger people all the time getting together with someone, splitting the bills down the middle, putting a car or house note together. Then when the breakup happens someone is always left picking up the pieces. I am also thankful I never did this in my younger years.


New Member
I never had any problems with my wife back when we were dating, but I see what you mean and it can be messy. I know a few examples and it ain't pretty.


New Member
I never did this either, and I am so grateful for that. Believe it or not, my wife is the only person I have ever had a serious relationship with.


New Member
I never did this either, and I am so grateful for that. Believe it or not, my wife is the only person I have ever had a serious relationship with.
Me too, and I am pretty happy about that because she is a great person. Most people just search for looks and tolerance in others, which is always wrong, unless you are lucky and other pieces fall in place, which happens very rarely by itself.


New Member
I have seen a few nasty battles when it comes to breakups like this and thankfully never had to deal with any first hand. I would not want to try and deal with that mess.


New Member
Me too, and I am pretty happy about that because she is a great person. Most people just search for looks and tolerance in others, which is always wrong, unless you are lucky and other pieces fall in place, which happens very rarely by itself.
Let us make a club here. God knows that I am not good at these things, not that I am so enthusiastic in them. That's why He gave me the best one at the first chance.