Respecting the child's privacy


New Member
I read an article about how stepparents disrespect their stepchildren's privacy by pushing for too much intimacy, in an attempt to bond. You know, like the moments when the child says (s)he needs some alone time, a stepdad might insist to do something fun together, go to an amusement park, see a movie together etc.

The idea is to make yourself emotionally available, while letting the child come to you.


New Member
I can see that happening with step-parents. Many step-parents are eager to build a relationship and they don't realize that it has to be something that both people want. A step-parent is not a replacement parent and that is something that needs to be recognized. The relationship should build over time.


New Member
That sounds like a pretty good article and good advice to me. Certainly you want to build a good relationship with stepchildren, but you have to give it time to happen.