School bus issue


Staff member
So my friend has an issue. This year their children are able to go on the school bus, instead of them having to drive them the three to four miles to school. However, the school bus ride will be around 45 minutes. So, they are debating if having their children on the bus is worth that 45 minutes, or if they should still work out a way to drop them off and pick them up. They are young kids, around 8 and 10 years old.

To me, as long as it does not interfere with work, I would drive them. 45 minutes is a long time to be stuck on a bus, especially for a few mile drive.


New Member
I would take them too. 45 minutes is crazy for kids to be on the bus - plus kids learn some bad things on the bus these days. I pick up my brothers kids a couple of times a week when they can't.


New Member
I would rather drive them too. 45 minutes is way too long for kids, especially when they have to be in the situation every morning, while it takes less than 10 minutes to drive them yourself to school.