

New Member
My wife and I were watching the news and we heard a story about a man in St. Louis who basically advertised on Craigslist for someone to rape and beat his 11 year old daughter while he watched. Thankfully, the person who answered the ad was an undercover police officer. They set up a meeting and the man even brought his daughter along for the ride. How sick do you have to be to even contemplate something like this?


New Member
I saw this too and I am so thankful that the person who answered the ad was a police officer and not some sick freak. I am glad that the girl is going to be safe now.


New Member
That is absolutely horrible. I'm so glad the police took her away from her father; he's got some real issues. Was he at least charged with a crime?


New Member
Wow! I hope someone saw that ad and called the police. Can you imagine if some child abuser saw it and acted on it? What a sick world we live in.


New Member
This is absolutely disgusting, but it's not the first time I've heard about something like this. It's a real shame that there are sick people out there trying to do things like this. It makes me sick to my stomach just hearing about it; I've all but stopped watching the news on account of stuff like this.