Sometimes it's so hard to come up with an activity


New Member
Lately, we've been having a hard time coming up with something that everyone can enjoy. We used to go to the movies at least once a month, but I can't get my 3 girls to agree on a movie anymore. I gave up the last couple months as it turned into a big war, practically. It was easier when they all liked the same stuff.


New Member
I know how this is. Try having a mix of boys and girls with an athlete, a nerd and a "little miss Priss-pot" to please. Just about the only activities we've managed without major issues are boating and going out to eat. Picking a restaurant can be a problem.


New Member
I hate to tell you but movies are simple, ever take a car full of girls to head out and go shopping? I did that many years ago with mine and my sister's kids, boy was it a very long day. How about trying something outdoors?


New Member
We only have one child so luckily this hasn't been much of an issue for us yet. Still, even the wife and I have issues agreeing on something to do from time to time.