Step grandparents


New Member
Do your parents refer to your step children as 'step grandkids'? I don't tend to use the prefix as I feel it suggests a distance that is not my reality. My Mom used to use it but she has stopped now.


New Member
My daughter doesn't have any stepgrandparents, but growing up I did. My grandmother died when I was 8 or so, and my grandfather remarried. So, then I had a stepgrandmother. I called her by her first name. She didn't mind at all. However, I am not sure if she considered me her grandchild or her stepgrandchild.


New Member
My neighbor remarried and his children are loved by their step grandparents as if they were their own. Rarely you can see such a bunch of happy people, really.


New Member
Until reading this, quite frankly I had never heard the term before. Somehow the sound of it just hits me weird. Of course, it's a family by family choice.


New Member
My children refer to my fathers wife as Nana Jackie only because they already have a Nana. She refers to them as her grand kids though and is ok with Nana Jackie.


New Member
My mom loves all the grandchildren step on not. She has step children and step grandchildren (not from the same line) and she loves us ALL and the word step never comes up in any conversation.


New Member
Some interesting replies, thanks guys. I hope I didn't give a bad impression of my Mom. She was a bit confused about terms at first as I was the first person in the family to have a relationship where the new partner had kids already. (Plus she never said this to them, just when referring to them in conversation with others.)