Strict Parent or Considerate?


New Member
What kind of a father are you? Are you a strict one or a considerate person?

I'm quite a strict father because I don't want my children to be spoiled by me.


New Member
I will be a strict parent when she gets old enough to understand right from wrong. But right now, I am a considerate parent because she doesn't understand what right from wrong is. I am not spoiling her, I am just loving her because I know that she will not be little for long. So, I am trying to savor the innocent times.


New Member
I'm a cool father but strict in terms of kid's behavior. I always want my kids to behave well because their actions always reflect the personality of the parents. I'm a cool dad in giving school allowance. My strictness to my daughter is just mild. I don't want her to end up being rebellious. I allow her to go out with friends but not at night.