Teaching kids to cook


New Member
We've instituted something new at my house. Each of my girls has one night a week that they are responsible for dinner. They have to plan the meal, make sure we have everything to prepare it, cook it and serve it. The other two have to clean up that night. They're all turning into pretty decent cooks, too!


New Member
This is a really good idea! I'll have to talk this over with my wife; maybe she and I can implement something like this in our house with our son. She already lets him pick out dinner one night a week; maybe we can move towards him cooking the meal as well.


New Member
That's a great idea. If I had any boys, I would have done the same thing with them as the girls. People tend to forget that boys are going to have to cook for themselves, too.


New Member
Excellent idea, good for your daughters! I wish my kids were so eager to cook like yours are. They like to eat, but cook God forbid! :)


New Member
That is a great idea, it is never too early to start teaching them either. I still remember coming out of boot camp as an older teen and some of the guys I was with had no idea how to make even a simple meal. Is it scary that as the years go on so many parents forget to teach their kids the basics.


New Member
Good for you! How old are your girls? I can't wait until mine are old enough to take some of the meal duties. ;) They "help" in the kitchen right now.