Those Nasty Wisdom Teeth!


New Member
My oldest child just had her wisdom teeth taken out earlier today. She was obviously nervous, who wouldn't be? I think she handled it pretty well. My wife and I both found it quite funny that once she was in recovery she asked "Where'd my tongue go? Why'd they cut it out?". She was a little disoriented to say the least. I can only hope that she continues to heal like she has today with little to no swelling and pain.

Anyone else have their kid's wisdom teeth taken out? What was there experience like?


New Member
Why the need for the wisdom tooth extraction? Was it misaligned and was causing a problem with the rest of the teeth? Anyway, my kids haven't grown their wisdom tooth (teeth), yet. I hope it won't come to a point when it had to be extracted, though. They don't favor dentists that much :)


New Member
Well for me, MY wisdom tooth is currently erupting. It's misaligned and the dentist advised to have it pulled once there's enough surface for him to hold on to. I'm terrified of injections, so I'm yet to mentally prepare myself to get it out.
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New Member
My daughter isn't that far along, but I remember having my own taken out. Mine were all impacted so they had to be be dug out surgically. They wouldn't do them all at once. I hope your daughter recovers well.