track your kid


Staff member
If a device could track the whereabouts of your teens would you use it?


New Member
I really don't know. And, we have quite a long time to think about it. We have many years until our daughter becomes a teen. I personally don't like the idea that much, but could see why some parents do it.


New Member
I don't know. I have a teen aged son. I don't think I would. I didn't use anything for his older brothers and sisters. If they're going to find the wrong things to do, they'll do it if you monitor them or not. Also, I think that sends a message that you might not trust them to make the right decision. Get to really know them and their friends; that's the best way to know what they're doing.


New Member
I don't think I would either. I believe the kids would feel really bad if they knew they are monitored by their parents using a device. None would feel happy to know that their parents don't trust them.


New Member
I think it's not a good idea to put tract device especially for teens. You reminded the movie entitled Pacifier. When Vin Diesel started putting a tracking device, the kids became rebellious because they don't have freedom. I don't want my kids to feel the same thing.