Videos of Kids Fighting


New Member
I saw on Talk TV today that there are videos of children fighting, which are going viral on the net. One video is of a six and eight year old who were kicking and boxing each other as if their lives depended on it. What's horrible is that a male adult was the one filming the whole thing and there were a lot of other young kids in the background, as well. It's really sick, to say the least.


New Member
I saw a YouTube video once where there was a birthday party going on. Little kids were in the corner engaged in acts that pretended to be copulating like grown men and women might do. They were dressed in their regular clothes. The parents were there watching and cheering while the kids kept trying to play the "game" better. It was sickening to watch. These parents should be locked up. These were not on a porn site. I don't do those.


New Member
I saw a news story about this Enrique, and I believe the parents are being prosecuted. I have seen people on Facebook (teens) put up cell phone videos of others fighting too.


New Member
I think more parents have to be prosecuted because behavior like that starts when they're younger and punishing only the kids, especially teenagers, is not going to change the parenting behavior of those growing up now.


New Member
Sick! These kids should be taken away from these idiot parents! Why would you allow this? They actually think it's funny and a good idea. It's child abuse! Grrrr - if you could not tell it irritates me to no end.


New Member
This is really messed up. I can't believe parents would do this to their children. It's just wrong on so many levels. One wrong hit and one of those kids can suffer a really bad injury. I just don't see how an adult could allow this to happen.


New Member
I saw a clip of two little girls being told to fight by their mother. She was laughing during the whole deal, and you could tell the kids really didn't wanna take part in this sick game. Some people really need to be checked out before they have children. Something is very wrong if you get the idea to do this.


New Member
The net is full of all types of videos like this and you are right, it is sick. I came across one the other week in an old neighbor that I lived at when I was a teen, two boys fighting and one of the mothers egging the kid on.


New Member
Wow, these are just sick. What parents can just sit there watching their two kids letting it out at each other? If it's just a normal sibling argument, then break it up after a minute or two. But to just sit there and film? Ridiculous.


New Member
Yeah...that type of behavior should definitely not be encouraged/allowed. Unless you want a violent adult on your hands when he/she grows up.


New Member
Though, I never sponsored the fights between my two boys( they are both very understanding now) but few years, when they would start fighting, they would be fighting like barbarians, and my wife and myself would intervene with a stick. I think children do fights to vent out their anger at the teacher of the school.

R. Paradon

New Member
These people are definitely sick and should not be allowed children. While I am very much opposed to invasion of privacy on the internet this is one time I will take a different stand. It does not take much brain power for authorities to find a contributors ips and put them away. Interesting that YouTube does not allow ****ography but kids fighting get the go ahead!


New Member
I like seeing people fight. I don't care. I am not the one filming it and I am not telling my kid to start fights so for now it is just another way to enjoy the internet.