What makes someone a good parent?


Staff member
Last night we discussed what makes a good parent. Three of us were there, three different types of parenting. Thought this would make an discussion.

What do you guys think are the qualities a person needs to be a good parent?
What do you guys think are the qualities that would prevent someone from being a good parent?


New Member
A good parent, in my opinion. Would be a person who shows great love for their children. They show their love in many different ways, and would really just do just about anything for their child.


New Member
Selflessness makes a good parent and selfishness makes a poor parent. Someone who routinely puts their wants in front of the needs of their child is not a good parent. Parents sacrifice to the needs of their children. And a parent is someone a child needs to raise them a friend is someone they have after they've been raised.


New Member
Great question, not an easy one though. In the end, I believe a good parent walks the walk, not just talks the talk. They lead by example, they love unconditionally and always are looking out for the greatest good for their children.


New Member
Unconditional love, unbending rules enforced firmly yet gently[I have a girl], and a willingness to sacrifice what you have for your children if need be. That's my definition of a good father.

Good question by the way.