What's a good first pet?


New Member
My son is 5 and a half, and he and I want to get a dog, but my wife thinks that might be too much. She wants to get fish or a hamster(ugh). Did you get a starter pet to see how your child would do?


New Member
We don't have any pets at this time. A good starter pet would probably be a fish. Or at least, that's what I would do. Maybe a guinea pig or hamster.


New Member
We have always had pets. I think a cat or a dog would be fine. Just know ahead of time that you will be helping out a lot with the pet. It's a big responsibility for a child.


New Member
My parents did this for me. I wanted a dog really badly and they bought me fish. I hated the fish because it is not what I wanted. Eventually I gave up on the dog though.


New Member
I think a kitten would be good for a 5 year old. They're old enough to understand to "play nice", and kittens don't require a lot of care.


New Member
I think that a fish or a turtle would be a good first pet. Not too much maintenance but can create a sense of responsibility with the children. You say he is 5? Those two would be good.


New Member
We live on a small farm so I'm not a good person to answer this question. My daughter's first pets were horses, donkeys, dogs, and cats, lol.

I would say a dog would be a great way to teach your son about the responsibility, and rewards, of a pet, but if your wife isn't into the idea she may end up resenting the dog. Maybe a cat then? I think anything smaller than a cat may not teach him what he needs to know about the responsibility of having animals.