Recent content by Fatherof2

  1. F

    A gift for my mother

    I am not very close with my mother, but I need to get her something for Christmas. I have absolutely no idea what to get. She likes to play piano, and sometimes she reads fiction. Help me!
  2. F

    Youtube is on xbox now!

    I know it's awesome! I actually just read an email from xbox live, and they are adding a whole bunch of other new content too!
  3. F

    No Custody Agreement

    I think that any couple who separates or divorces and has children needs a custody agreement filed with the court. So many people think that they don't need one, but it protects both parties and the children. You can always amend it later if need be.
  4. F

    Not a very Merry Christmas

    We just found out that my aunt (who pretty mcuh raised me along with my grandmother) has stage four kidney cancer that has spread to all of her reproductive organs too. I don't even know what to say to her right now. :(
  5. F

    One of those days

    Thank-you very much for that 2andalone. I have always wondered how people could view watching their children as "babysitting"! Bear, I know what you mean, my wife is going out shopping this weekend and leaving me home witht he rascals...gotta stock up on energy drinks and sleep ahead of time! ;)
  6. F

    this months chunk

    Well, in the past month I would say maybe a little over $100? My wife got most of our kids stuff at a great price way back in the Fall so we didn't have much left to buy.
  7. F

    what the heck?

    I am pretty sure that all that is meant by this is like Stongenough said. Just a member of the opposite sex that you work with that watches your back and you do the same for them.
  8. F

    stupid exes

    Have they done anything specific you can get a protection order for? Something like harrassing phone calls or texts, threatening physical violence to you or your spouse etc.?
  9. F

    Texas woman shoots kids and herself

    I saw the update of this story, and both kids have now passed away. What a sad thing for the entire family. I believe the mother had a history of mental illness.
  10. F

    Firefighters watch as house burns to the ground

    I think if I lived in that county and I had not paid my fire fee I would be mailing a check. I guess they felt like they had to make an example of someone or no one would pay!
  11. F

    Too Much Family

    I hope that your wife is recovering well, and two more weeks isn't so bad after going through four weeks. No more family in the house will be your Christmas present!
  12. F

    Herman Cain re-evaluating campaign

    From what I read, a lot of his problems are financial. With all this hoopla about other women people stopped donating money and their support.
  13. F

    Adopting a family

    We have done this before and I am sure we will again. This year we are so strapped for cash we are just going to donate some toys to Toys for Tots.
  14. F

    Imaginary friends

    Did your kids have imaginary friends and if so at what age? My daughter will be three in January, and for the past few months she talks to her "friends". We always have to look for them...sometimes they are hiding under the bed, or outside.;)
  15. F

    Mother of Missing Child Arrested

    Which baby is this? Sadly, there are several missing kids right now. Baby Lisa and one in Arizona are still missing too. I read a neglect story yesterday from Georgia where they nailed the child's bedroom door shut, and kept the poor three year old in filth.