Recent content by Kevin

  1. K

    53 and now a family!

    Congratulations!. The only word of advice I have for you is to be slow and considerate of your wife's wishes. My sister is a widow and had a similar situation. I've seen how things can become very confusing if not dealt with carefully. The kids need time to get to know you and build a...
  2. K


    I just went to a county councilman's district meeting and I am glad I did. After years of griping about the politicians in my district, I've decided to stop running my yap and do something. There definitely was a lot of hot air blowing around in there (if you get my drift) but there were rays of...
  3. K

    Family Feuds

    Thanks for the advice. I agree with everything you said. My wife has decided to just back off from them for a little while and see what happens. I believe if her sisters really did love her and care for her as they should they would just respect her wishes. Their actions speak volumes. My wife...
  4. K

    New to this

    It was a big life adjustment for me, especially at the beginning. Our first child was a nonstop crying baby. She also had some health problems that required many sleepless nights and hospital visits. For me, once she was born , it was a whirlwind change.
  5. K

    Kids and responsibility

    Do you think kids have more or less responsibility today than in generations past? I have done my best to encourage a strong work ethic with my oldest daughter. In the summer, she helps me cut wood for the winter and she has household responsibilities as well. Her friends don't seem to have to...
  6. K

    Chores that you do at home.

    I cook at least 1 meal everyday, do most of the laundry (except for my wife's things..apparently I don't do it to her liking) and the car maintenance. I don't think I've ever dusted in my life!
  7. K

    tater topings

    I must say that I do it up right...butter, sour cream and cheddar. I once tried lowfat sour cream and it was awful. If you're going to indulge, just do half steppin!
  8. K

    Too Much Screen Time Can Threaten Attention Span

    My wife hates the darn thing. She calls it the idiot box. I must admit I do use it to fill in the gaps when I have to take care of household chores or just catch a break.
  9. K


    My wife stayed at home with the girls until they turned two and by then she was going stir crazy and went back to work.
  10. K

    When did your kids start to talk?

    Both of my girls were talking with conversational sentences during their 2nd year. All children are on their own timetable, but if you are concerned about a delay or something I'd talk to the pediatrician and they will head you in the right direction.
  11. K


    It sounds pretty healthy and good for your daughter to spend time with you. It will keep the two of you close sharing those memories together and it will keep her well rounded.
  12. K

    bed time

    My 3 yr. old gets her bath at 7, then stories and lights out by 8pm. She stopped napping shortly after her 3rd birthday. My 11 yr. old goes to bed at 9pm during the school year. In the summer, sometimes she's up until 10 or 11pm.
  13. K

    Bringing friends?

    I suppose I would be okay with the friend coming along after say age 11 or twelve. I would discuss some sort of arrangement for the extra expenses though with the friend's parents.
  14. K

    Who do you tell and when?

    My wife gets on the horn as soon as she reads the pregnancy tests. I suppose couples who have had problem pregnancies or miscarriages want to wait to make sure everything is okay first.
  15. K

    Now I've done it

    I usually don't do my wife's laundry for that very reason. I made that mistake once. Hopefully, she'll realize you were trying to help out and all will be well soon.